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Mar 11, 2022

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Is your grass dying? Even after all your best efforts.

Here are some tips for making your grass the envy of the neighbourhood.

Keeping your grass green

Top tips:

Check your sprinklers.

A lot of us may not be home when they come on and we apply the set and forget philosophy.

Make sure all the sprinkler heads are popping up when it comes on and all areas of the lawn are being reached. If not, a little hand watering may need to be applied.

Could it be black beetle?

Has your grass suddenly died when it was green just last month? And has it gone a grey colour. It could be Black Beetle.

Remedy: Grab some pellets from the lawn care section at Bunnings (not the spray) and reapply to your grass for a few weeks as per the instructions. It will grow back once the beetle has gone. And don’t forget to increase the watering.

Have you got mole crickets?

These scary-looking little blighters sound like frogs in the garden at dusk. They also leave sand mounds on your grass in the morning.

Remedy: To get rid of these guys, you need to follow the sound to where they are, fill a watering can with some lemon dishwashing liquid, and soak the area. This will bring him to the surface and get rid of him immediately.


Has it been sunburnt?

We have had a pretty HOT summer (understatement of the century), and it could be that your grass has got sunburnt. This means the water is not penetrating the soil. The important thing to remember is to make sure the water is getting to the roots of the grass.

Remedy: Apply a wetting agent and go over with a pitchfork to aerate it. Repeat wetting agent in a fortnight. Should bounce back in a few weeks.

Extra tips:
  • Spray some seaweed extract to help the plants cope with the heat better
  • Let your grass grow a little longer in summer, as this will help the soil to retain the moisture
  • Don’t allow water to pool or puddle
  • Water the lawn not the path
  • Aerate your lawn using a garden fork. Your grass needs to breathe
  • Feed your lawn using a quality fertiliser.
  • Keep control of those pesky weeds, or they will take over.

Looking for more lawn care tips? Hoselink has a great video done by Horticulturist Ben Hayman here where he shares all of his top tips to get your lawn looking lush and healthy.


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